This website covers knowledge management, personal effectiveness, theory of constraints, amongst other topics. Opinions expressed here are strictly those of the owner, Jack Vinson, and those of the commenters.

KM Chicago: Knowledge-centered support

Tuesday's April 2008 Meeting of KM Chicago will focus on knowledge-centered support (KCS) with Tom Melzl of InQuira.

Join us on Tuesday, April 8th at 5:30 PM to discuss the topic of "Delivering on the KCS promise and empowering people by tracking the evolution of Knowledge: Six simple metrics that fit the bill."

KCS (Knowledge-Centered Support) is a methodology for knowledge management in support organizations.

Few will argue with the positive effects the KCS methodology can have on an organization but when the time comes to measure whether adoption and impact are being realized, good analytics can be difficult to come by. InQuira's Tom Melzl will provide a brief introduction to KCS and apply specific aspects of the KCS operational model to metrics using real life business scenarios. Tom will also speak to tracking ROI and provide information on some companies that have delivered significant ROIs by following Knowledge Management best practices.
See sidebar for meeting location, dial-in and web conference details.

Leading with insight

Making mental connections takes time