I'm still hunting for a better fit for my skills and interests. Ideally, this ends up with a client or in a consultancy, where I can employ my love of knowledge management. Along with lots of networking, I have been hunting the job boards. This evening, there are well over 4,000 jobs with that match the quoted phrase "knowledge management" at LinkedIn jobs' search of the web (SimplyHired). For some odd reason, limiting the search to the Chicago area fails, even though I see Chicago-based jobs in the listings.
But, in browsing through the listings, there are plenty of KM-related positions. I see a lot that are connected to librarianship and information science. There are, of course, many that have to do with implementing and/or managing some technology or another. There are a boatload at various Washington D.C.-based defense or security contractors. Here are some highlights:
- Apple is hiring a KM System Architect and a Knowledge Management Business Analyst
- SAIC is hiring a Knowledge Management Solutions Lead (actually sounds kinda interesting)
- Interferometrics is looking for a Knowledge Management Specialist with a heavy emphasis on taxonomy work
- PwC have an interesting position, Knowledge Management Application Mgr - Collaboration
- The simply named, Knowledge Management at Uncommon Schools to help design the information architecture
- A Knowledge Management Programmer at Chevron
There are tons more... It's not a lost cause.