This website covers knowledge management, personal effectiveness, theory of constraints, amongst other topics. Opinions expressed here are strictly those of the owner, Jack Vinson, and those of the commenters.

Ah, to be back in school

The University of Texas School of Information is giving a course this semester on Knowledge Management. I385Q Knowledge Management Systems covers a range of topics, and the web page contains a nice collection of KM resources in the form of the class reading for each week. How's this for a list of topics by week:

  1. Review of Knowledge Management Concepts
  2. Foundations of Knowledge Management
  3. Knowledge Management and Technology
  4. Social Networks
  5. Knowledge Management Infrastructures
  6. Email
  7. Personal Information Management
  8. Personal Knowledge Management
  9. Intranets, Portals and Organizational Knowledge
  10. GroupWare: Facilitation & Cooperation
  11. Collaborative Filtering & Recommender Systems
  12. WiFi, UbiComp & Smart Mobs
  13. Agents
  14. Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
  15. Knowledge Management Systems Synthesis and Analysis

Reading through the topics and the suggested readings, I can really see how the course is laid out. I love that the course includes at least three weeks about how these ideas relate to the individual (email, PIM and PKM) before expanding the idea to enterprise knowledge management. It parallels my thinking that these are tightly connected -- or that they are simply on the same continuum.

KMPro: Jim McGee on Knowledge Work as Craft on 13 April

Interview follow-up