As a chemical engineer by training and someone who likes to cook, it is good to know that scientists like to ply their skills in the kitchen.
The Scientist :: Snapshot | Who's in the Kitchen? Scientists!, Jul. 14, 2003 (free registration req'd)
A remarkable 88% of the 361 readers of The Scientist who responded to our survey prepare a meal at home once every week or more. More than half, 57%, bustle about in the kitchen nearly every day. And these scientists are not just boiling an egg or opening a bag of lettuce; 79% declare that those who eat their meals consider them good, excellent, or outstanding chefs.
More details (survey results):
How often do you cook at home:
- 23%: Every day
- 34%: Nearly every day
- 22%: More than once per week
- 9%: About once per week
- 7%: Less than once per month
How do you rate your cooking:
- 4%: Poor
- 7%: Acceptable
- 40%: Good
- 6%: Outstanding
- 33%: Excellent
[Thanks to Coffeeblog]